Spring is here and it’s time to get a little pond maintenance done. These maintenance tasks can help prevent future problems from arising throughout the summer. Some pond enthusiasts enjoy performing their own maintenance, and the following tips will help you accomplish your DIY cleaning project. 

  1. Clean out your pond Whether it needs a full clean out or just clearing debris and rinsing things off. Pond & Water Garden Spring Cleaning Tips.
  2. Check pond pumps to make sure that it’s clean and functioning correctly. Your pump is the heart of your water feature and needs to be in tip-top shape at all times. Learn more about water feature pond pump maintenance.
  3. Fix any leaks in your water feature - Constantly adding tap water to make up for a loss of pond water means the constant addition of nutrients which will eventually promote algae growth.
  4. Remove algae - Leaves and other debris left over from the season before. This is crucial because an excess of decaying debris will add to the nutrient levels and the algae in the pond.
  5. Start adding beneficial bacteria treatments and continue to do so regularly throughout the season. It completes with the algae for available nutrients, starving the algae of its food source. Use Aquascape’s Automatic Dosing System to avoid the hassle of consistently adding the correct amount of water treatment for your pond.
  6. Add plants to control Algae - Since plants directly compete with algae for nutrients, they are the most important addition to the pond. Using a wide variety of plants will not only add to the natural look of the pond but will reduce algae growth as well.
  7. DO NOT overfeed the fish - Fish food that is not eaten will add more nutrients to the pond, helping feed the algae.
  8. Last but not least, have fun with your water pond. Spruce it up, add a pond fountain, lighting, water spitter or change up some of the rock work. Get creative because after all, your water pond is your masterpiece to enjoy!

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