Ponds and Lakes that don’t have enough oxygen, have a difficult time handling the nutrients that are introduced or accumulated into the water body via runoff, fish waste, decaying vegetation, etc., building up layers of sludge or pond muck over time.  This is the leading cause of excess weed and Algae growth and will make pond maintenance more difficult as a pond ages.

Naturally occurring microbes, or those introduced into your pond, like Pond Biologics® line of beneficial bacteria, recycle and efficiently reduce this organic waste. But, the microbes/bacteria need oxygen to function and create sustainable and stable colonies to maintain a healthy ecosystem.

Bottom or forced-air Aeration Systems, such as a Vertex Pond Aerator, create oxygen by circulating a high volume of water, bringing bottom water to the surface where it comes into contact with the atmosphere.. This is where the diffusion of oxygen into water occurs.

When the aeration system is set up, the on-shore compressor forces air through self-weighted tubing that connects to the diffuser/s or bubblers which are placed on the bottom of the pond or lake. As the forced air is released through the diffuser, it creates a column of air bubbles that lifts water to the surface. The water to atmosphere contact is where dissolved oxygen is diffused/absorbed into the water. The continual operation and lifting/circulating of water, from the bottom of the pond or lake, to the surface is what makes bottom or forced-air aeration such an efficient form of water aeration and creates such a high amount of dissolved oxygen, that is vital to a healthy aquatic ecosystem.

Floating Fountains or Surface Aerators

Although Fountains are esthetically pleasing, can create high levels of dissolved oxygen, they only circulate the upper water levels of your pond or lake, typically no more than 4 feet deep. When it comes to dissolved oxygen input, they do offer a good deal of circulation, but not as efficiently as a forced air Aeration System.

Surface Aerators are another great form of aeration and what we recommend for the greatest amount of water turnover. Although they do not give you the spray patterns, or aesthetics of a fountain, they do circulate a high rate of water and have a very positive input of dissolved oxygen. Surface aerators are great for shallow ponds that are less than 6ft deep and as shallow as 18 inches, when it comes to circulation and dissolved oxygen input.

Whether you choose a surface aerator or fountain, both are a great source for water circulation, dissolved oxygen input and will greatly help with keeping your pond or lake clean and healthy. 


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